Swift Swim (Sniper)
Pros- It's even atk/def/spA/spD allows for a versatile list of set options
Cons- It is difficult to obtain in casual gameplay
Kingdra is an amazing and well-rounded pokemon. Its well-rounded stats are great for casual gamers but in competitive battling it is often flushed out in preference for pokemon with more specialized stats. However if you're participating in UU it can be a great trump card in its unpredictability. Add his tiny number of weaknesses, you've got a pretty sturdy pokemon on your hands.
For my Kingdra's set, I'll be using a critdra. Giving this baby 64HP, 252spA, and 192Spe and a modest nature will let us attack powerfully and quickly with some added defenses for resilience. The important part of the critdra set is its amazing sniper ability, letting critical attacks do 2.25x damage. This plus a scope lens and focus energy is gonna be a great setup. Of course with any crit set there is the unpredictability, but what's life but one big gamble anyways? We'll finish things off with a modest nature and filling the rest of his move slots with draco meteor, hydro pump, and agility if we want to set up a sweep.
Let's see how Kingdra holds his ground against our champ, Espeon!
So with our first turn I set up Espeon with a light screen and Kingdra with a focus energy.
As I was unhappy with Kingdra being slower I did an agility while Espeon got up her reflect.
Next turn was a doozey. With a critcal draco meteor darling Kingdra one-hit Espeon who had just about as good of defenses as it gets.
But the real question still poses, who is our winner?
Do we even need to question it? ITS TOTALLY KINGDRA
Just with an overall better move pool, stats, and holy hell that crit rate and power is AMAZING there isn't much you can go wrong with when it goes to Kingdra. Super powerful and well-rounded stats and nice type defensing for casual gameplay and amazing movepool and potetial for a critdra in competitive, not to mention one of the most majestic designs of any pokemon ever (with the expection of milotic) Kindgra really is quite the king.
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