Monday, February 2, 2015

Childhood Regressions and Contemplations

Dear Younger Self,

I have this picture of us on my bookshelf by my bed. I look at it every so often and I think about how cute I was (how cute I am) and how much I've changed since that photo was taken.

Other than the obvious- I've grown a TON (yet somehow kept the bangs at the end of the day) and I've grown emotionally a little bit more than most people my age; but it's not really anything to brag about.

What if I were to tell you now about my current problems and struggles? You wouldn't understand and it would be so foreign to you, I know.

I hope that that's true for others my age as well, that the issues they face now would be incomprehensible to their younger selves.

I don't really have any "30 things to tell you" or anything like that, sadly, but I might be able to scrounge up a few things.

I still have our favorite stuffed animal, hamster, although he's far more worn and dirty than where he is right now with you. "Well loved," mom will tell you. "Messy," You will tell yourself. After reading Velveteen Rabbit you will agree with her.

Today I was reminded of you again when I went outside to shovel and ended up playing in the snow and dang was it fun. I remembered how much we like the snow and how much I've learned to dislike it because driving is scary.

There's something I can tell you.


I guess all I really have to say is that even though we've changed, I still have fun looking back on all the things that have stayed the same even though I tend to just do them for nostalgia alone and I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

-Present and soon to be past Annabelle

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