What is scarier to authority than concept? Pretty much nothing. Our lives are a series of goals we create for ourselves, but what if we were to take these goals and instead seek to acheive concept? What if we set out our lives to create not the acheivement but the situations for acheivement. We are to create for ourselves not a reward but an aesthetic.
So this is what I seek to do in mind, body, and soul:acheive asthetic.
But what asthetic in particular?
Well, if I may, let me just list a couple of asthetics that have really been speaking to me recently....
1) The bubble boy who died because he wanted to experience life outside his bubble.
2) Keeping dying roses around because you like how they look
3) Blinking yellow streetlights when the day is too dark and too late
4) Drinking cheep wine out of a coffee mug
5) Living life out of a clean laundry basket instead of putting clothes away
6) A sense of achivement fulfilled from video games
7) When the fluorescent lighting of the classroom makes the black ink on your handout look green
8) An existential fear of commitment
9) When you lie on your side in bed and your eye tears up for no reason and smears your mascara
10) Shitty glitter cosmetics
11) That feeling you get after waking up from an unrestful sleep and youre all sore
12) Turning off auto correct
13) The one bunny that always eats the grass in your yard but you love him so
14) The smell of play-dough
15) excel spreadsheets
16) subtweeting people you really love
17) being in love but not wanting to be because the timing's wrong
18) a bubble bath that smells like soap and roses
19) soap and roses
20) champagne but not drinking it for any reason, just because
21) crying but not because you're sad- because you're relieved
22) the sound of popping bubbles
23) spending time with a puppy dog but feeling sad because its not your dog
24) wearing clothes you hated at first but now you love them
25) the idea that everyone you know and everyone you love, what you know of them exists soley in the confines of your mind
26) studying hard for a test but failing it
27) opening all the windows in your car on the interstate
28) a foggy evening and an even foggier morning
29) sunsets full of clouds and you can't see the sun or any of the colors of the usual sunset
30) sleeping in a bed comfier than your own
Your blog is weird and beautiful and i love it.