Sunday, September 28, 2014


It's a week until October, and you know what that means.


So what's the best way to celebrate this impending doom and seasonal joy? Why of course it is simply to give ode to the spoopiest, scariest, and most halloweenie pokemon in the world.

Well, not a whole lot is to be said about Spoopy other than he has the BEST NAME EVER so instead I guess we'll just talk about Bellsprout.

Bellsprout is a pretty good beginning pokemon, usually available at the start of game. In particular Heart Gold and Soul Silver have a good quantity of bellsprout at the start of their games, too much bellsprout at the start of the game, so god damn much bellsprout at the start of the game. As long as you keep up with your evolution of your bellsprout he's not gonna be too much of a hindrance. Of course having a flying type gym at the start is kinda a pain, at the end of the day you've got a pretty nice attacker on your team. 

I personally think that Bellsprout and his line of evolution is often in the shadows. He doesn't get as much press as he deserves, in fact the only press Victreebell really gets is in the anime as James' special pokemen. As someone who favors quick and strong attackers, I wouldn't really ever use a Victreebell, but he could be used for breaking walls in competitive. Either special or attacking walls, you get to choose. This versatility can be helpful. However, there are plenty of better grass/poison pokemon for the choosing out there. All in all Bellsprout is a sub-par pokemon and not really worth the leaf stone use.

Poor guy, he's cute and precious, but not really all that special.

Maybe that could be changed with a MEGA VICTREEBELL?????

Mega Victreebell would be such a good idea. Boost his attack and speed, give him a brand new awesome ability and suddenly we might actually have a useful pokemon. Potentially we should give him a brand new specialty move, or at least add a move to its repertoire that recognizes his HUGE GAPING MOUTH.  Something along the lines of CONSUMPTION or so would just be amazing. It would have to be a normal or even ghost type move (how about spiritomb getting this too?). It would deal physical damage and maybe a chance of paralysis? Imagine the possibilities. 

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