Blood is Thicker than Water, what the hell does that even mean?
Yeah, of course blood is thicker than water, you numbutt asswad, that's basic science stuff and I know that.
But what does that even MEAN for real?
To be honest, I love the saying, but not the well known one, the lesser known actual version of this common adage.
"The Blood of the covenant is thicker than the Water of the womb"
Yeah, now we're making some sense.
So what this is telling me that a bond of a promise is stronger than the bond between kin, yeah yeah I can see that.
But is is really true? I mean, I love my family and all but dayum, would I really value my "blood" brother over my BLOOD brother?
I guess it really depends on the relationship you have with your family. Some people really love their family, but other people don't really all that much.
I mean, look at popular literature for some perfect examples of this stuff. Think of Hunger Games, think of Divergent, (think of all those FANTASTICALLY AWFUL trash fanfictions you spent this weekend reading) think of almost any sort of pressure-inducing scenario where we are stripped to our raw desires and thoughts, we must decide not out of practicality but out of what our whims tell us in these times.
In some cases, it's always family first, in other cases it's the promise you made.
This thought in and of itself is a moral dilema, or as I like to call them "One way trip to argument and uncomfortable conversations that are oddly fun."
Gun to my head, I would choose my family over a promise made in a heartbeat.
But what if the promise is to my family? What if it's to another loved one who I may not be related to by blood? Is anything sure in this world?
Will I continue to scream into the empty void as I realize that I need to freaking study better because I am making to progress in my life?
What did I just type that, whoops that's embarrassing.
I can only hope that I will never come across a situation where I need to choose between a promise or family, but I know that if I do I would make the right choice.
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